Tuesday, February 13, 2007

high speed rear

Our buds from the CCVW club put this display together for the World of Wheels.
The simulated drag strip scene was really slick. These guys get-er-did!
The engine cover and wing on the blue car gave me an idea of how we can work our design to take advantage of the latest Bonneville rules for rear engine cars.
This wing has some vents in the top to get air into the engine cover. If a guy did this just right, you could have a nice RAM AIR intake from the high pressure spot on the wing. The rules require for air intakes to be on the rear half of the car. They allow the engine cover to have a hood scoop that can stick 11 in. above the roof, and as far forward as the front of the rear window. If all that sounds like Pig-Latin, you are doing good. Interpretation of the Bonneville rules requires an altered state of consciousness.
Here are some good links to learn to learn more about Land Speed Racing


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