White Castle fuel cell

While we were considering what kind of fuel class we could run in, a revelation came to us.
-----Methane Fuel Cell ------
Any of you cats that have messed with these potent little "slider" hamburgers know their capacity to generate copious amounts of Methane gas. Now if we could get White Castle to throw in some sponsor $$$$$$ we would surely be able to "Blow" the doors off the competition.
http://www.whitecastle.com/ ---send them an e-mail and tell them they should get on board with the Speedwagen methane fuel cell development program.
OH man! I totally know what you're talking about. Very few things in the world affect me like those WhiteCastles do! I can eat all the beans or mexican food I want, but one little three bite sandwhich and I'm spent. People refuse to ride in the car with me and I can't even begin to imagine how embarrassing it would be to be trapped in the elevator with someone!
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