Rescued from the Jaws Of Death

An account of an earnest effort to build a powerful little car and take it to the Bonneville Salt Flats for a timed high speed run.
Did a little quick and dirty Photo Shop work on a Logo for our project. This is a modified body trim piece from a vw of some kind. I had this part in my misc junk pile (which is quite a pile). Who knows before long we can have shirts, hats, stickers and all the propoganda to promote our project. Talked to a guy tonight that has an old VW drag car for sale. Its a 57 with a chopped top and an old gasser style straight axle. The bad news is that it has a Baja chop to the rear with no engine cover. Opps I just noticed that I mis-spelled Bonneville on the logo above. Thats one of my special skill's--creative spelling. Hooked on phonics has been very very good to me.