Monday, March 31, 2008
Speedwagen Army of Clone Wrenchetts
The Speedwagen Wrenchette Clone Army was assigned to sweep the Indoor Swap Meet at the Indiana Fairgrounds. These girls can smile their way into the best deals in the joint, so if you see a wrenchette headed your way---better get up off a good deal, because these girls know how to deal!
---Phasers on stun

Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Birdzilla IS BACK!

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Speedwagen Oil Stadium

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Social Butterflys

The ISRA and the shops on Gasoline Alley have a Moon Pie and Hot Dog get together at Bubbas Rod Shop. These No-Coast Hot Rodders are a good crew!
The ISRA keeps an eye on the legislators and make sure that there are no surprise Anti-Hot Rod laws snuck into the books in Indiana.
Bubba just eats moon pies and builds Hot Rods
Easy as 1-2-3

This section will take a pie shaped piece in the middle that is 2 1/4 wide and tapered to a point. Von Chop consulted with his plastic surgeon Dr Sardonegous, and got some advice on how to do a "TUCK" at the rear window. Oooo La La-- the curves are starting to come back into place on the SPEEDWAGEN. It sure put a smile on the Doc's face.
Wageneers Know how to PARTY

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Top Chopin' is a noisey business. Von Chop has elected to do his work under the cover of darkness, and he can make all the noise and smoke he likes.
The center section (2) has been tacked into position, and the rear section (3) has been placed in position to see how much it needs to be widened. It looks like it will be widened 2.750 in the front of the rear section (3), and tapered to a little tuck job in the area at the top of the rear window.
This will require a pie shaped piece to be added to the center of the rear section (3).
I remember Wageneer Low Gun Miller telling me that his chop had a pie shaped piece added to the top in the rear section.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Turn left Racin'
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mo chop'in go'in on

The Center section of the roof was fabricated today.
Von Chop used his a air powered flanger (joggler to you boys in England) to
put a lip on the new section. This gives a double thickness of metal for welding together.
Plus you can weld on the top and the bottom for extra strength.
A little secret that Von Chop let us in on was how to get the edges of new section tapering towards the rear of the car. HEHEHEHE I bet you want to know what it is!!!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Secret Stash Revealed

We found where Von Chop keeps his stash!
I took a while to figure out what the Nutty Bars were doing in the Old Box with a Supercharger, Then it became evident when we thought like the Baron---things with BOOST!
The down side to all this is gooey chocolate fingerprints all over the place.
Von Chop claims they are not finger prints---they are free form signatures to his work.
Escape from the SPEEDWAGEN

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Baron Von Chop caught on camera!

Our security cameras caught a rare glimpse of the elusive Baron Von Chop making his stealth like entry into the Speedwagen Complex. Just back from a brief jaunt to Speedway to capture some rare footage of the Onion Ring Eating rituals at the Mug & Bun Root Beer stand , he was now ready to do some cut'in, weld'in and grind'in